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  • Yulia Chuck

April, 2009 - Big in Japan

Panic Switch - Silversun Pickups

Help I’m Alive - Metric

Lisztomania - Phoenix

French Navy - Camera Obscura 

Crystalized - The XX

Hello from Japan! I know, I’m the worst lately because I haven’t been posting, but it’s because I’ve been travelling all over the world with Gray, and it’s not always easy finding Internet in hotels. I always feel so weird sitting in the hotel Business Section on an old computer that barely works just so I can keep up.

But I will always keep up!

First of all, I just have to tell you guys how freaking happy I am. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I’m hopping all over the planet with the guy I love, I’m catching shows in every port, most of them VIP or backstage, and I’m just… living the dream. This is the dream.

And thank you for everyone sending in congrats about me and Gray. It’s so amazing to see all of your support. Gray’s a bit more shy than me, even, so you won’t see him online or on any of the social media websites that seem to be getting bigger by the day, but take it from me when I say that he’s grateful to all of you.

It’s been a bit harder keeping up on the music since we’ve been jet-set, but I have a few tunes I think are going to tickle your fancy. The first one is huge in Canada right now. It’s called Panic Switch by Silversun Pickups. You might remember their other hit Lazy Eye that was all over the radio a few years ago. 

Staying in the realm of Canada, Metric has a new album, which is so cool. Emily Haines is such a rock star, and her solo work, if you haven’t listened to it, Knives Don’t Have Your Back is like a feminist manifesto. Anyway, their lead single Help I’m Alive keeps that catchy, synthy Metric beat going.

If we're still alive

My regrets are few

If my life is mine

What shouldn't I do?

I get wherever I'm going

I get whatever I need

While my blood's still flowing

And my heart's still

Beating like a hammer

French band Phoenix has a new album, Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix, which is full of super uplifting and pop-centered tunes like Lisztomania. This song is great, but it prompted me to look up what Lisztomania really is, which was basically like Beatlemania but back in 1844. Composer Franz Liszt had a big fanbase, apparently, who would break out into “hysterics” whenever he played. I would have loved to see that.

I’ve been loving French Navy by Camera Obscura. This Scottish band has such a cool and retro sound, and unique lyrics that tell a story. Gray also says they’re awesome people.

I'll be criticized for lending out my art

I was criticized for letting you break my heart

Why would I stand for disappointed looks?

I'm fully grown, but I'm on tenterhooks

This last band has been a huge upstart for me this year, and I think their sound is going to shape a lot of new music in the near future. Of course, I’m talking about The XX and Crystallized. This band consists of a DJ and two singers who play off one another, which creates this really cool conversational sound overtop some interesting, more electronic beats.

Well, I’d better get packing for our next destination. Don’t worry, I’ll post as many pictures as I can, and I’m sure you’ll find some on Tumblr anyway. They seem to be popping up everywhere.


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