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  • Yulia Chuck

December, 2008 - The Kid is All Right

I’m Good I’m Gone - Lykke Li 

White Winter Hymnal - Fleet Foxes 

Sweet Disposition - The Temper Trap

Young Bridge - Land of Talk

Shut Up and Let Me Go - The Ting Tings

Okay, first things first, I need to address the last post. I got a lot of concerned messages, and unfortunately, you were all right to be worried. I was going through a really dark time. I wasn’t happy, and it took me a long time to take a hard look in the mirror and realise I needed to make a change if I didn’t want to keep sinking into that darkness.

A lot has happened in the last little while, and it’s resulted in some changes in a lot of places in my life. So, I’m sorry for worrying you, but I promise-promise-promise I’m in a better place. In fact, I’m doing really well.

I want to open up today’s post with Swedish breakout Lykke Li’s I’m Good, I’m Gone.

I'm working, I sweat but it's all good

I'm breaking my back but it's all good

Cause I know I'll get it back

Yeah, I know your hands will clap

Yet, I'm looking, yet, I'm working

To make butter for my piece of bun 

First of all, I’m all aboard for Lykke Li. She’s got this edgy, ethereal look to her, and her voice is equal mixes velvety and raspy. I’m here for her, and I’m here for this song. It feels good, it’s got a great beat, and we’ve been jamming out to it often over here.

Oh, wait, I guess I should bring you in on the latest news. I know a lot of you were disappointed when Guy and I broke up, and I understand. I was sad, too, but there’s someone new in my life, and I think you’re all going to freak out…..

(Drum roll….)

(I’m pretending you haven’t seen all the pictures on Tumblr already)

[Art by Emily Brooks @alchemmie]

Remember when I saw Jim & Jules at the Horseshoe when I was just a wee young lass? Well, turns out Grayson William noticed me, too, and now, all these years later, we’ve decided to give it a shot. Needless to say, we’re really happy. Gray is just so talented, and he makes me feel like I’ve always wanted to feel. If you’ve been with me long enough, you know what that means.

Okay, that’s enough of me getting mushy. This may be my personal blog, but we’re not getting that personal! I just wanted to let you all know officially because I’ve been seeing the tabloids printing photos, and people reblogging on Tumblr, and it felt weird for me not to have told you all myself.

Man, there have been some great releases this year. I’m thinking about White Winter Hymnal by Fleet Foxes, which I hear blasting at every single party I go to lately. 

I was following the pack, all swaddled in their coats

With scarves of red tied 'round their throats

To keep their little heads from fallin' in the snow

And I turned 'round and there you go

And, Michael, you would fall and turn the white snow

Red as strawberries in the summertime

So evocative of winter, and snow, and as December rages and the nights get longer, I’m grateful for a song like this. It feels like being snuggled up beside a roaring fireplace in a warm blanket with the person you love. 

Another heavy hitter this year is Sweet Disposition by Temper Trap, which to me is the song of the year. Its quick-tempo throughline is catchy but also layered and complex, and the smooth vocals make it prime for inclusion in upcoming TV shows and movies. 

Stay there

'Cause I'll be coming over

And while our blood's still young

It's so young, it runs

Won't stop 'til it's over

Won't stop to surrender 

Winter always makes me think of Canada, so I would be remiss not to talk about a really cool band I haven’t seen much of–Land of Talk. This Montreal-based group has such a cool vibe, all you want to do is scream the lyrics. My fave right now is Young Bridge, which has an edgy vibe with the deliciously crackling voice of frontwoman Elizabeth Powell.

And of course, because I’m sure I’ll hear about it if I don’t feature it, Shut Up and Let Me Go by Ting Tings is a great track that, again, is going to be featured on so many commercials because it’s so catchy and upbeat. The duo is from Manchester, and Grayson actually knows them well, so hey guys! You rock!

On a more serious note, thank you to everyone who reached out to me. It means more than I can say, and I’m so glad I’m on the other side of it now. If you or anyone you know is struggling with their mental health, please call a helpline or a professional, or even just a friend. 

You matter. You matter to me.


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